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​What is Enzyme Drinks?

Enzyme Drink 酵素

One of our signature product is our natural, freshly brewed enzyme drinks and we have now more than 20 different tastes! However, do you know what exactly is enzyme drinks, how it is made and what benefits it can bring to our body?

Enzyme Drink 酵素

Enzyme drinks are fermented fresh fruits and vegetables drinks that contains probiotics, antioxidants and enzymes. 100% all natural, sparkling Enzyme Drink - prepared by natural fermentation of selected fresh fruits under controlled condition. A refreshing fruity aroma with a taste of tart. A low-sugar, probiotics drink with plenty of fruit vitamins and antioxidants - activated through the natural fermentation. Gluten-free, Vegan and contain <3% alcohol from natural fermentation. For more information, feel free to check out our video about enzyme drinks below!

Weight Loss

Boost Immunity

Gut Health

Skin Health

Blood glucose/cholesterol management

Blood glucose cholesterol management 三高管理
Weight loss 減肥
 Gut health 腸道健康
Skin health 皮膚健康
Boost immunity 增強免疫力
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