奇蹟發生在你的腸道!! 酵素是腸道益生菌的合作夥伴! 它們增強了腸道中益生菌的活性,因此,脂肪和毒素能被有效代謝並從您的身體排出去。
為了減肥,我們需要增強新陳代謝,以更有效地燃燒體內脂肪和排出毒素。 許多聲稱減肥的減肥藥其實是瀉藥。 它們會減少體內的水分,但不會減少脂肪。 當您停藥後,體重會回增,您必須再次吃下瀉藥! 一個無休止的循環,您會感到筋疲力盡! 它也正在老化你的身體! 請記住,想變得更輕盈,關鍵是令你的腸道更開心!!
The miracle happens in your gut!! Enzymes are great partners to your gut probiotics! They enhance the activities of these good bacteria in your gut, and as a result, dietary fats and other toxins are effectively metabolised and passed out of your body system.
To lose weight, we need to enhance our metabolism to burn body fats and excrete toxins more efficiently. Many of the diet pills, which claim to lose weight, are laxatives. They reduce your water content, but not fats, in your body. When you get off your pills, your body weight returns up and you have to go back to your laxatives again! An endless cycle and you feel strained out!! It is aging your body!! Remember, the key to Lose Weight is a Happy Gut!!